HillviewTV Team
May 08, 2023
Laurel Elementary's performance of Matilda JR. is a heartwarming and fun-filled adaptation of Roald Dahl's beloved classic. The show is full of rebellious children who are determined to teach the grown-ups a lesson, and Matilda is at the center of it all. The story follows Matilda, a girl with a brilliant mind and special powers, who faces many challenges in her life but never loses her courage or cleverness. The show features a talented cast of young performers who bring the characters to life with high-energy dance numbers and catchy songs. Audiences of all ages will be captivated by the story of Matilda and her journey to find a better life. The show highlights the power of imagination and the importance of standing up for what you believe in, making it an empowering and inspiring performance for both children and adults. The audience will be rooting for Matilda and the "revolting children" as they take on the mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, and fight for their rights. With its delightful mix of humor, heart, and girl power, Matilda JR. is a must-see performance that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.